In this current economic climate many people simply cannot afford to get a top quality tattoo design done on their arm, shoulder or back, for instance. So therefore they are turning to cheaper alternatives such as foot tattoos, which can look just as good even though they are not necessarily on display all the time.
Posted by ririn at 5:03 AM 0 comments
Even worse the tattoo that you got is something embarrassing or just plain ridiculous. This is a huge mistake. See more on Red And Black Tribal Star Tattoo. You may not know this but most of the original art is copywriter by the artist that drew it and only gives their top notch designs to specific websites. How do you look for galleries of tattoos? If you are doing it by clicking random search engine results we have just pin pointed the issue. Also more details on Monster Back Piece Tattoos and Tattoo Lettering H. They also have some sort of sex appeal to them.
Posted by ririn at 5:00 AM 0 comments
Summer's Celtic Cross Honors Her Father
I see a lot of crosses in my travels through the streets of New York City, so they don't generally grab my attention.
This one, however, did:
There's nothing necessarily magnificent about this tattoo, but it just goes to show that a crisp, simple tattoo can be as aesthetically pleasing, sometimes moreso, than an overly-wrought elaborate design.
Summer had this memorial piece done for her father, who passed away in 2005. His initials grace the center of the cross.
It was inked in Tattooville in Linden, New Jersey. This piece is on Summer's left bicep, she also has the comedy/tragedy masks on the right shoulder blade portion of her back.
Thanks to Summer for sharing her tattoo with us here on Tattoosday!
Labels: Celtic, Crosses, Memorial, Tattooville
Posted by ririn at 3:45 AM 0 comments
My Face
Hello My inked members after my revelation last year before I started this blog I started designing and tracing designs for my own shoulder tattoo so today I have it here the main face is some face I got of the net I traced it very slimly to give it a different look and added multiples of tribal’s in it (Tribal’s is my thing) So I found it the other day on a unused flash drive so today I give you my before blog starter idea for some fancy tattoo designs I hope you enjoy this one
Blood let faceIn the mirrors of my soul I see blood and war and nights of cries and days of lore Fascinating fantasies of years in wonder and little worms not born I am the victim of my own mortality I am the victim of my sanity. I face the mirrors of soul not for long as what lies underneath is fierce and strong I tap the veins of my creative night and let the blemish violate the conquest and demise the light I am evil inside and outward I yearn to destroy all and everyone which leaves this plan of fearsome grit i have like you unforeseen power mercy for my truth and power in my eyes I wake up after another death with you no more fears and no more cries in dreams of sighing solution and fear of grasping illumination delight
Posted by ririn at 12:33 AM 0 comments
beautiful cherry blossoms tattoo design for side body tattoo
Labels: beautiful cherry blossoms tattoo design for side body tattoo
Posted by ririn at 8:39 PM 0 comments
Geraldine's Joseph (With a Nod to Green Day)
It was my boldest moment as a tattoo solicitor to date. A half-dozen or so Green Day fans were decamped in the early afternoon near the artist entrance at Madison Square Garden. Green Day was playing that night and I saw one person inked, a woman, but I chose to announce to all: "I write a tattoo blog and was wondering if any of you had Green Day tattoos?"
Sadly the answer was "no," or, I should say, not exactly.
The woman I spotted before spoke up and we chatted about her ink. She was okay having me take the following photo, one of the few I've posted in which you can identify the tattoo contributor:
Her name is Geraldine and the tattoo she is displaying is a memorial piece for an ex-boyfriend who recently passed away.
Joseph was a musician and died of a heroin overdose.
Geraldine is a huge Green Day fan and Billie Joe Armstrong, lead singer for the band, has the name Joseph on his arm, in honor of his son.
Geraldine chose the same font as Billie Joe's Joseph tattoo and noted that, in the song "Jesus of Suburbia" the first three letters of each word in the song title spell out the first three letters in the name Joseph.
She had this tattoo at Ink Inc. in Kingston, New York.
Thanks to Geraldine for sharing her story and tattoo with us here on Tattoosday!
picture design cherry tattoo very reasonable cherry tattoos drawn on the back
Labels: picture design cherry tattoo very reasonable cherry tattoos drawn on the back
Posted by ririn at 8:38 AM 0 comments
Elaina's Ink: The Mermaid and the Tarantula
Elaina has eighteen tattoos. And not to heap loads of praise on her, but her work is brilliant.
It was the mermaid on her inner right forearm that first grabbed my attention:
She told me that the drawing was indicative of her state of mind at the time it was inked. Her boyfriend had just moved out and she was feeling reflective (thus the hand mirror).
Elaina later followed up with an email, further clarifying the tattoo:
"I realized today when you asked me the significance of my mermaid tattoo that I probably would have been better quoted saying the absolute truth. The underlying universal secret wish of all girls and women alike... I've always wanted to be a mermaid."
But Elaina had more to share. Much to my delight, she lifted her skirt on her left side to reveal this wonderful tattoo:

The spider is modeled after her mother's pet tarantula, Shelob, who is named for the giant spider in The Two Towers, book two of The Lord of the Rings trilogy.
I asked her what Mom thought of her ink and Elaina rolled her eyes and said that her mother recently wept when she told her she was planning her nineteenth tattoo. And, Elaina added, her mom is no stranger to ink. She told me that her mom was tattooed by legendary tattooist Lyle Tuttle during the Rolling Stones' Tattoo You tour.
The mermaid was tattooed by Claire at Funcity Tattoo in Manhattan. The spider on Elaina's thigh was done by Neal Aultman at Physical Graffiti in New Jersey.
Thanks to Elaina for sharing her amazing ink with us here on Tattoosday!
Labels: Funcity Tattoo, Lyle Tuttle, mermaid, Physical Graffiti Tattoo Studio, spiders
Posted by ririn at 2:47 AM 0 comments
design women back body tattoo with cherry blossom tattoo design
Labels: design women back body tattoo with cherry blossom tattoo design
Posted by ririn at 8:32 PM 0 comments
So hello My inked members I hope you had a great weekend I had a relative one I like not sleeping and drinking a bit so this weekend I relaxed a bit slept a minimum always good makes you feel normal again so today I have one little design for you it is the fiery demise of my mind so here we go
My mind is alive with the restoration of things old and distraught what happens if you get caught and burnt what happens if you die do you stay alive with time or do you burn why is it that I so yearn the levels of my inner flesh comes alive with the evil at its best I am hatred and fire spiritual demise I am over the world but slave to its child I am in the world forgotten souls lost in transit like the digital woes I am fear and regret hatred and for long I was sold and outdated yet dreamed of lust strung out and upset now my life I is lending regret if I could have if I should have dream sided violations of an ocean side realm sleeping forever is some of my wishes what have you got to sell by my life with blood and fire as I am
Labels: On FIRE
Posted by ririn at 1:59 PM 0 comments
So hello My inked members I hope you had a great weekend I had a relative one I like not sleeping and drinking a bit so this weekend I relaxed a bit slept a minimum always good makes you feel normal again so today I have one little design for you it is the fiery demise of my mind so here we go
My mind is alive with the restoration of things old and distraught what happens if you get caught and burnt what happens if you die do you stay alive with time or do you burn why is it that I so yearn the levels of my inner flesh comes alive with the evil at its best I am hatred and fire spiritual demise I am over the world but slave to its child I am in the world forgotten souls lost in transit like the digital woes I am fear and regret hatred and for long I was sold and outdated yet dreamed of lust strung out and upset now my life I is lending regret if I could have if I should have dream sided violations of an ocean side realm sleeping forever is some of my wishes what have you got to sell by my life with blood and fire as I am
Labels: On FIRE
Posted by ririn at 1:59 PM 0 comments
image cherry tattoo design on the right ear very cool tattoo
Labels: image cherry tattoo design on the right ear very cool tattoo
Posted by ririn at 8:26 AM 0 comments
Women do more research and place more thought into their tattoos. We know what we want, where we want it, and the color (or black and white) before we go to the tattoo parlor. This tattoo will be with us for a lifetime and it's an important decision. Picking a special tattoo at the parlor can be a rushed experience and the designs can be limited. With internet sites you can choose the design on your time: shop, buy, download, print. No one is looking over your shoulder, hurrying you.
Posted by ririn at 3:21 AM 0 comments
Women are special and so is the body art that they choose to decorate themselves with. Over 65% of the tattoos being done today are for the female and we're no longer hiding them. Flowers, butterfly tattoos, angel tattoos, angel wings, heart tattoos, and butterfly wings of various sizes are some of the most popular for women, and one of the more popular locations for tattoos is on the lower back, sexy and visible when you choose, or hidden if it is appropriate for the occasion. The preferable designs for the lower back are tribal tattoos. Other places where we like to be inked are the ankles (usually smaller sized tattoos), foot, the navel area, shoulders (front and back), breast, buttocks, and thighs.
Posted by ririn at 3:20 AM 0 comments
A visit to the bookstore should bring up a number of total tattoo books with numerous designs. Yet when it comes to picking out a tattoo many people just drop in on their local parlor thumb through a few books and say "That one". See more on La Link Tattoo Shop. If the tattoo starts from the elbow area to the wrist then this is called a quarter sleeve tattoos. I'll explain the exact way to uncover the sites that post fresh crisp original artwork so you can find the perfect tattoo for a woman. Also more details on Tattoo Shops In Orlando And Ocala Fl and Tattoo Artist National Salary. The style of your nautical star can be as unique or as symbolic as you like.
Posted by ririn at 3:19 AM 0 comments
In other words you do not want to go from a really big intricate tattoo to a small one as it could easily become a blob of ink. Do hope you have found more details on Tattoo Artist National Salary and La Link Tattoo Shop. If you are truly in the market for a fresh quality leg tattoo design you might want to take a deep breathe because you could be looking for a while. In North America many first nation tribes have used tattoos to indicate status within the tribe to demonstrate acts of strength or bravery in battle or to indicate wealth or roles in society, so see more details on Tattoo Artist National Salary and La Link Tattoo Shop. The design was probably made a certain size for a reason. It's your central location for learning where the good stuff is. See more on Tattoo Shops In Orlando And Ocala Fl and La Link Tattoo Shop
Posted by ririn at 3:18 AM 0 comments
Jenny's Amazing Peacock
Timing is everything when it comes to successful inkspotting. Luck is essential. The turning of one's head can result in missing an amazing tattoo.
Case in point:
I met Jenny and her friend Kate by chance coming out of the subway one day.
Jenny has six tattoos, including this phoenix on her left forearm:
But it was this peacock, further up her arm, that really amazed me:
Generally, the peacock represents self-worth and valuing oneself. In Jenny's words, more poignantly, "be happy with your feathers."
The peacock was tattooed by Poohki at Steady Tattoo in Minneapolis, Minnesota. The phoenix was inked by Trevor Kennedy at the same shop, although he now works in California.
Thanks to Jenny for sharing such wonderful tattoos with us here on Tattoosday!
Labels: Peacocks, Phoenix, Steady Tattoo
Posted by ririn at 2:50 AM 0 comments
Kate's Snakes
Although it was Jenny (here) who was visibly inked, Kate also had a tattoo, hidden from view.
So when I was done talking to Jenny, I asked Kate if she wanted to share, as well.
Kate unveiled this great tattoo on the lower portion of her back:
(A Tattoosday production note: I never solicit back tattoos but will happily feature them, when offered).
This piece consists of a couple of snakes consuming one another, a symbol of the circular cycle of life, death, and rebirth.
Or, in Kate's words, "what destroys us, sustains us".
This tattoo was inked at Twilight Tattoo in Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Thanks to Kate for baring her back and sharing her snakes with us here on Tattoosday!
Update: "Anonymous" commented that this looked like the Auryn from The Neverending Story:
It certainly does! Thanks Anonymous!
Labels: snakes, Twilight Tattoo
Posted by ririn at 2:34 AM 0 comments
design cherry tattoo and bird tattoo on the left upper back nice for women tattoo design
Labels: design cherry tattoo and bird tattoo on the left upper back nice for women tattoo design
Posted by ririn at 8:22 PM 0 comments
cherry tattoo design and like this image place for girl foot tattoo design with cherry tattoo
Labels: cherry tattoo design and like this image place for girl foot tattoo design with cherry tattoo
Posted by ririn at 8:14 AM 0 comments
There are several reasons why tattoos have become popular. In the past, the tattooing process was not very hygienic and often took place in a disreputable looking dive. One look at the stained needles and chain-smoking bearded tattoo johnny and most prospective customers run away. Now you have clean-cut tattoo artists in brightly lit studios doing the job. When you step in, you will see autoclaves and other gleaming pieces of technology for sterilizing the tattoo equipment. The artist appears thoroughly professional and uses new needles for each customer. The experience of getting a tattoo becomes indistinguishable from that of getting a hair cut or beauty makeover.
Posted by ririn at 2:54 AM 0 comments
Are Sanskrit tattoo designs a recent Western phenomenon, or did the ancient Indians already have such tattoos? On the surface, it seems unlikely because Hinduism bans tattoos - much the same case as any other major religion, actually. But we also know that many other ancient cultures also made tattoos taboo - but they still infiltrated those societies. The Greeks, Romans, Japanese and Chinese come to mind. In addition, henna temporary tattoos have been a part of life in India and the Middle East for many centuries, often used by women during celebrations.
Posted by ririn at 2:52 AM 0 comments
Austin's Sleeve Pays Tribute to His Grandmother
Austin was visiting New York when I stopped him on 7th Avenue right in front of the Fuse studio.
He offered up this sleeve on his left arm:
This was inked by Amanda Grace at Truth and Triumph Tattoos. She now works at Smartbomb Tattoo. Both shops are in Dayton, Ohio.
The playing cards are a tribute to his grandmother, who was a card player. She also tended roses, so these flowers also pay homage to her.
Of the other elements, Austin says he just likes skulls, artistically. Also, the words "Never Again" are there to remind him to remain strong his sobriety, and not to go down that same road of dependency.
I appreciate Austin stopping and chatting with me, and thank him for his forthrightness, and for sharing his tattoos with us here on Tattoosday!
Labels: Memorial, Playing Cards, Roses, Smartbomb Tattoo, Truth and Triumph Tattoos, Words
Posted by ririn at 2:46 AM 0 comments
Japanese Tattoo Design for Women
Labels: Japanese Tattoo Design for Women
Posted by ririn at 9:07 PM 0 comments
Nice Body Place for Sexy Girls Tattoo
To create a tattoo that you seem interesting also that there is a secret The secret is to make the start line, ordered Tattoo Tattoos Design Directory! A beautiful place for you to make a tattoo in a certain part you can use the hands, but all that is.
Labels: Nice Body Place for Sexy Girls Tattoo
Posted by ririn at 9:04 PM 0 comments
A Bout Japanese Tattoo
While Japanese tattoos, also referred to by the terms Irezumi, and Horimono, are certainly beautiful, they can be complicated to create and understand because there is no actual alphabet for the Japanese language. Tattoos are generally created using various images, words, and numbers, or varying combinations of each. From however many interested persons tattoo in the world possibly we must see also several sorts tattoo available in Japan because that was not free from one of the worlds fashion tattoo this was in the country jepang,bagi the beginner's circle in the affair tattoo,mungkin this one of the alternatives to the choice tattoo you moreover tattoo this in solid with design that was interesting for lovers tattoo invited you to see various variations concerning tattoo available in Japan have a good time.
Labels: A Bout Japanese Tattoo
Posted by ririn at 8:33 PM 0 comments
sexy girl with big cherry blossom tattoo design on the full right side body
Labels: sexy girl with big cherry blossom tattoo design on the full right side body
Posted by ririn at 8:11 PM 0 comments
Welsh Red Dragon Tattoo

The Welsh Red Dragon is one of the single most popular tattoo designs for those of Welsh heritage and family roots in Wales, as popular as the Rampant Lion is with the Scots, or the Lion Standard with the English.
Labels: Welsh Red Dragon Tattoo
Posted by ririn at 7:48 PM 0 comments
Rose Tattoo Designs
Labels: Rose Tattoo Designs
Posted by ririn at 7:45 PM 0 comments