
Wednesday, July 29, 2009.

The classic Guitar Hero

So what’s up my inked members? I am so glad I found old these old designs.Todays Design I made when I was in the UK about ten years ago I was in a black metal (Never realized) band called Sin playing some guitar and doing Vocals. So this was a design I did back then for my inner arm it is the meaning of Guitar infused violence through the (I) and being situated from the palm up taking the the place of lifeblood from the palms as to signify that the music is my life. Music still plays a mayour role in my life but not as much as back then so well here you go The classic guitar

Strings of Life 1999 Version

Looks good for something I did so long ago and back then I didn’t have a clue that I would be here where I am now well its good to look back at those memories

Strings of Life 2009 Version
Playing Life playing your heart strumming the chords to a altered reality insanity screams in my veins my influence others pains my own solace a gun to survive a needled threaded in my mind a divine structure for infiltration musical assimilation now is the time strum it wide and strum it good the solid morbidity drowning the wood